You can now connect to the Swell app using the Bitget Wallet App.
To celebrate the integration, we're offering a special bonus to everyone who connects to Swell through their Bitget Wallet and mints fresh rswETH.
From today until the bonus period ends on April 28th, 2024 you can get:
- 30 Pearls per rswETH minted through the Bitget Wallet App.
- A share of 100,000 BWB Points (estimated value $10k USD)
Follow these simple steps to qualify:
- Download Bitget Wallet mobile app
- Load it with ETH
- Connect to the Swell Dapp on the ‘Discover’ page
- Mint rswETH
Following April 28th, we will collect all the wallet addresses that have minted rswETH in the Bitget Wallet mobile app, and distribute the Pearls and BWB Points to them.
You can earn more Pearls by completing bonus offers, and more BWB Points by completing additional tasks in Bitget Wallet.
What are BWB Points?
BWB is the ecosystem token of Bitget Wallet, and gives holders exclusive rights to community governance, ecosystem airdrops, and other benefits brought about by the growth of Bitget Wallet.
There are 1 billion BWB tokens, and 5% are to be distributed to users in the form of BWB Points, which can be converted into BWB tokens upon issuance in Q2.
About Bitget Wallet
Bitget Wallet is Asia's largest and a global leader in all-in-one Web3 trading wallets, with over 19 million users worldwide. Its features encompass a wallet, intelligent market data, Swap trading, Launchpad, inscriptions, DApp center, and more. It currently supports over 100 major public chains, hundreds of EVM-compatible chains, and more than 250,000 cryptocurrency assets. By aggregating liquidity from hundreds of mainstream DEXs and cross-chain bridges, it facilitates free trading across more than 40 chains.