Please welcome Velodrome to Swellchain!
The Superchain’s liquidity hub, Velodrome will bring deep liquidity and low slippage swaps to Swellchain.
20M $SWELL will flow to Velodrome and other Swellchain dApps over the next two weeks.
Check yields in the Portfolio: app.swellnetwork.io/earn/portfolio
What is Velodrome?
Velodrome is a next-generation AMM DEX that combines the best of Curve, Convex and Uniswap, and is designed to serve as the liquidity hub for the Superchain. Velodrome first launched in June 2022.
Velodrome rewards
LP'ers on Velodrome earn both $VELO and $SWELL rewards.
20M $SWELL will flow to Swellchain dApps over the next two weeks, including these Velodrome pools:
- ezETH/wstETH
- rsETH/wstETH
- wstETH/ETH
- rswETH/ETH
As previously, you can still earn $SWELL rewards for LP’ing in other Swellchain dApps and holding the following assets on Swellchain:
- $swETH, $rswETH, $swBTC and $rSWELL
- $ezETH and $pzETH
- $weETH
- $rsETH
- $wstETH
- $sUSDe
Got questions?
Ask the team in the Swell Discord server.